The Mechanical Systems Division is the largest one in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, with its 40 professors (full, associate, and assistant professors) and more than 80 research assistants, including PhD students and research fellows.
Our research activity focuses on the theoretical and experimental study of the dynamics of complex mechanical systems. Combining mathematical modelling and numerical simulation with in-lab and on-site testing is our way of facing research challenges. In addition, we promote an interdisciplinary approach to research, based on the collaboration with other groups inside and outside the Department and with international strategic partners.
The Mechanical Systems Division is organized in eight research areas:
- Condition Monitoring, Diagnostics and Prognostics
- Mechatronics and Robotics
- Railway Engineering
- Road Vehicle Dynamics and Control
- Rotordynamics
- Sound and Vibration
- Sports Engineering
- Wind Engineering and Wind Energy
We are currently extending the traditional approaches to the study of the dynamics of mechanical systems, by making reference to digital technologies, modern data analytics algorithms and artificial intelligence. Among the research topics that benefit most from this contamination, it is worth mentioning diagnostics of infrastructures, machinery and transportation systems, connected and autonomous vehicles, robotics and man-machine interaction.
Our strengths are our people, with their passion and their skills, and our laboratories, unique at national and international level. The three most impressive experimental facilities are the DMEC Railway Engineering Lab, the GVPM Wind Tunnel and the PoliMi Driving Simulator, but many other smaller labs and test benches effectively complement our research in all areas.
We support the education of most Engineering and Design students at both BSc and MSc levels, delivering courses in the areas of Applied Mechanics, Vibration Analysis, Dynamics of Mechanical Systems and many other courses where students have the opportunity of getting familiar with advanced engineering methods and our ongoing research.
The Research Line of Dynamics and Vibration is at the first floor of Sesini bulding (former Origoni), via La Masa 1 (building B23-A).

Head of the RL
Prof. Roberto Corradi
Phone: +39.02.2399.8493
Daniela Gosman
Phone: +39.02.2399.8672
Simona Pozzali
Phone: +39.02.2399.8494